Thursday, January 13, 2011

32 weeks and holding!

Dear Aj & Jaydyn,

Mommy here to update you on how our appointment went today. We are 31 weeks 6 days pregnant, meaning tomorrow we will be 32 whole weeks. It was an interesting appointment.

It started off with an ultrasound, in which Mommy got to see how both of you are growing again and how things are progressing in there. AJ you're still holding firm at 4lbs 2ounces and Jaydyn your weight had gone up a bit to 4lbs 5ounces. You both looked healthy, and we even got to see some neat things this time. AJ, we got to see part of your little face and your little foot on 3d, and Jaydyn we were able to see hair on your little head. It was very exciting. The most exciting thing for Mommy however, was that we got to see you both practice your breathing. This makes Mommy very happy as it is a signal that if something happens and you do come early, chances are breathing isn't going to be as difficult for you as we previously imagined. I know it doesn't ensure you won't have any problems at all, but at least it is a good sign that you are preparing to breathe on your own once you both make your arrival here.

Then we saw the doctor, who checked Mommy's cervix. So far we're still holding at 1cm dilated and my cervix is still long, which is a good sign. But it also means Mommy has to maintain her bed rest orders. And of course, I'm still having to keep an eye on the contractions I'm having. All in all, the doctor says Mommy is pretty much a ticking time bomb! He says he would like to keep me pregnant at least until 34 weeks, which is only 2 weeks away. In a way, that seems like so far away given the bed rest orders and having to time all these contractions and things, and in another way, it seems close. Almost closer than Mommy can believe.

It's hard to believe that in 2 weeks (or less, or more, depending on God's will for us), the hopes and dreams I've had since 2006, the prayers I've prayed since getting saved in 2008, could/will be a reality. It's hard to believe (in a way) for Mommy that after struggling for nearly 4 years with infertility issues, the big day is so close. God has been so good to me, and the double blessing that He has given me (and your Daddy) in you is a very real testimony to that.

I want to be the best Mommy I can be to both of you. Daddy and I want nothing more than to raise you in the way that the Lord would have us to, so that we can show you that your very existence is a testimony to God's love for you, and God's love for us. So that you two can grow up to be strong, stable, courageous men of God, serving Him in love with all of your heart, mind, body, and soul. Nothing is more important to myself or your Daddy. Nothing. You could grow up to become firefighters, or police officers, or doctors even, and although we would be proud of you...Nothing would ever make us more proud of you than to know you both are saved born again Christians who love the Lord and Jesus Christ with all your hearts.

So I guess what Mommy is trying to say is she's a little nervous. Not because I'm afraid of not being able to take care of you, but because Daddy and I know God has trusted us with two precious little lives, two precious little souls, and He expects us to teach you all about Him. That's a bigger responsibility than most people realize. Which is why Mommy has already started praying for your salvation.

Anyways, that's it for today's letter. Mommy will write if anything happens between now and next week's appointment. But in the meantime, Mommy would like it if you two would just stay put and continue to develop into strong, healthy little men so that if it would be God's will, we can avoid a NICU stay.

I love you both so very very much! More than you can even comprehend. I'll be holding you both so very soon.

Love Always,