Friday, January 28, 2011

34 weeks! Woohoo!

Dear Aj & Jaydyn,

Today officially marks week number 34 that you have been hanging out in Mommy's belly! How VERY exciting! Especially since we had some issues nearly 3 weeks ago with you two trying to come a little bit too early.

We had an appointment yesterday that went ok. Mommy wasn't feeling too hot during her appointment, but we managed to make it through. The ultrasound technician didn't have much luck at all with trying to figure out your living arrangements in Mommy's belly. I am really hoping that next week's ultrasound technician will have much better luck. It makes Mommy nervous when they have trouble getting things figured out. So unfortunately, since the tech had so much trouble, they really weren't able to see or tell much. They told me that you, AJ, are weighing in around 4lbs 8ounces, and that you Jaydyn, were weighing in at 5lbs 2ounces. Mommy is hoping to get both of you right at or very close to 6lbs by the time you arrive, so it looks like I'm going to have eat more than I'm eating now.

Mommy's doctor did a check on her yesterday. He says everything looks good, and that his office will be calling me by next Tuesday to schedule your birthdays! That's right, in about 2 weeks, I will finally be holding you both and we will be celebrating your entrance into the world. Unfortunately, because of the way you are laying in my belly, Mommy will have to have a C-Section, which is when they have to cut Mommy's belly open, to get you out. To be honest, Mommy is a little nervous, but she is also so very excited. I know God will be right there with all of us in the operating room.

Anyways,that's just a quick update on our appointment yesterday. It wasn't too exciting because of all the issues we had with the ultrasound and such.

But our next appointment is on Wednesday, and we will be having another ultrasound! So Mommy is hoping things will go better. Also, your Papaw will be taking us to that appointment since they could not get us a morning appointment. Because since Daddy works during the day, we have to have to have morning appointments (because Mommy is not allowed to drive on her bed rest) in order for him to take us.

Mommy will keep you posted on how things are progressing. In the mean time, you two keep growing and putting on weight. Mommy wants you to be healthy that way we can all come home together.

I love you both so much. I'll see you sooner than we all realize.

Love always,