Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Hospital Stay!

Dear Miracle Babies,

Apparently, you two either REALLY like the hospital atomosphere, or you've just decided you are completely done with hanging out inside Mommy's belly! Either way, you've managed to land us right back in the hospital at 35 weeks 4 days with contractions that are about 6 minutes apart, and some dilation and thinning that Mommy won't even try to make you understand. Just know that those three things combined mean Mommy might meet you before Saturday! :)

I am excited, and looking forward to getting some answers as to what the current plan of action is :)

But just know, if you plan on coming a little early, Mommy full expects you boys to be healthy little men!

I love you so much, and I'll keep you posted about your arrival from this side of the womb!

Love always,
xoxo Mommy