Friday, December 17, 2010

Hello Third Trimester!

Dear Aj & Jaydyn,

Good morning! Of course it's me your Mommy, and it's about 7:10 in the morning, which is a time Mommy doesn't see very often. Normally I'm sleeping through it. But that will change once you two make your entrance into the world anyways so!

Mommy woke up to go potty and found she couldn't go back to sleep. Something that's happening frequently here lately! I don't think you guys minded at all though! The minute I got super comfy and settled back into bed, (which is something that's getting harder to do every day since Mommy is so big now) you two started kicking and carrying on in there. Which I absolutely love. I could just lay and feel that all morning! But I think you both got comfy in there and went back to bed on Mommy! No fair! :o)

Today is our 28 week appointment, which is the one I was telling you about in our previous letter! Mommy is super excited because we get another ultrasound, which means I get to sneak a peek in on you boys just before Christmas! How exciting! Plus Daddy is able to go with us today, which makes it all the more special!

But now, Mommy wants to show you some pictures! I've been promising to show you the puppy dogs that are anxiously awaiting to meet you when you come home from the hospital with Mommy! So I'm finally getting around to adding that picture to this letter for you.


So on the left you have Phenix, and on the right you have Monty. Phenix is the black doggy, and Monty is the brown doggy! And these two puppies, just like you my sweet little boys, were born together. So in a way, my twins will have twin puppies! :0) But don't let the cute faces fool you, these two are partners in crime! But they're also Mommy's snuggle buddies and I'm sure will be your snuggle buddies too! I can't wait for you two to meet them!

Also, Mommy had been wanting to show you some wall art that she created herself (with the help of her best friend Sasha) for the walls in your nursery, which is just about finished by the way! I can not wait to post pictures of that! Daddy will FINALLY have a chance to put together your cribs on Sunday, so once that is done and Mommy hangs the pictures on your wall, all will be done! Then Mommy can sneak you a preview of your room on here!

Anyways, now for the pictures of the pictures Mommy made you:








Aren't they neat?! Mommy was so proud of herself! I hope you boys love them.

Anyways, it's time for Mommy to go. I am going to try to catch a power nap before I Have to get up in about 45 minutes to shower and get ready for our day! You two be good boys and cooperate for Mommy today so I can get some more adorable pictures of you both, ok? But most of all, please grow, be healthy, and stay in Mommy's belly for at least 8 more weeks ok? That would be the best Christmas present you could ever give Mommy!

I love you more than you know.

Love always,