Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our Appointment!

Dear Aj & Jaydyn,

Mommy here, updating you on our appointment today as promised! Everything went super well and I was so excited to get all the good news that we did today!

So the nurse confirmed that I have indeed only gained 6 pounds, 4 of which were gained in just this past month! So they are super pleased with the weight gain and say that I am right on target! They also checked Mommy's blood pressure, and it was 118 over 80, which is normal! Yay for that! The doctor measured Mommy's belly and told me that right now, my belly at 25 weeks 6 days is the size of a Mommy who only has one baby in her belly at 34 weeks! That means you guys are making Mommy HUGE! But I love every minute of it and I love all your kicks and punches! They're amazing and I'm going to miss them!

They also were able to find your heart beats again, which I'm convinced is one of my most favorite sounds in the world. Aj, your heartbeat was 153 and Jaydyn your heartbeat was 148! Both of you are doing well!

But perhaps the most exciting part for Mommy is that now we start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks AND we have an ultrasound coming up before Christmas! How exciting! I can't wait to see you again and see how much you both weigh!!! Our next appointment is on the 17th of December, and we have an aweful lot of stuff to do. First, they're going to make Mommy drink a super sugary drink (which I'm sure will cause you both to be very hyper in Mommy's belly) and check her for something called Gestational Diabetes. Basically it's when a Mommy's sugar levels get to high while she's got her baby (in my case babies) in her belly! Then once I drink the drink, I have to go to the ultrasound area and have our ultrasound done! (YAY) Then, once we leave there, we go see the doctor to discuss the ultrasound, be measured, have our blood pressure taken and give some more samples, then we head back to the lab so they can take some of Mommy's blood to see how her body reacts to the sugary drink! All in all it's going to be a very very busy visit! But so worth it! You boys are worth it!

So that's the update for now. We're getting closer and closer to your entrance to the world! I just can't believe that in less than 3 months, my dream of having children will finally be coming true! I thank God that He saw fit to answer my prayers! You both are precious answered prayers to me!

Anyways, I'm going to go for now! In my next post, I'm going to introduce you to Mommy's other babies...your puppy dog pets! See how spoiled you are already? Most kids have to beg for pets, but you two already have two puppy dogs waiting on you!

I love you so much! Grow grow grow and I'll see you on December 17th!

Hugs and kisses and smooches and love,