Friday, October 8, 2010

Team Blue x 2!

Dear Miracle Babies,
Well it's official! Today was the day where Mommy and Daddy got to find out what you were! Mommy really wants to write an elaborate entry about this but I'm so tired from being up since 6:30 this morning and the days exciting events, that I figured I'll announce it to you now and tell you the awesome story tomorrow :)

So anyways, as if you didn't know already, you both are little boys! Baby A, you were definitely not shy about letting Mommy and Daddy see your little bird! You had it proudly on display and it made Mommy chuckle! And Baby B, the ultrasound tech had to wiggle you around a bit to make you uncross your legs so Mommy and Daddy could get a good look between the legs. You're Mommy's modest little man!

Anyways, I'm so very excited to get things rolling for the both of you now! I am so thankful to be your Mommy and can't wait to be holding you both in my arms very very soon! I'll post pictures tomorrow but for now....sleep!

Goodnight my handsome and beautiful little men! Keep growing for Mommy! I love and need you more than you already know :)

Love always,
Your Mommy!